Lunge & Kick Combo for Sculpted Legs - Video
Lunge & Kick Combo for Sculpted Legs - Video Rev up your metabolism and blast fat! This exercise works your quads, booty, hamstrings, &...
A Quickie Booty & Abs LIVE Workout FREE
A Quickie Booty & Abs LIVE Workout FREE Janis Saffell Booty & Abs 15 mins let's go! I had so much fun teaching LIVE on FB during my visit...
New To Trainer Pass - Join today
Join Today For Instant Access TrainerPass reinvents your exercise routine! Whether you want to burn fat, build muscle, or beat stress, we...
Ballet Bar Leg Day - Video
Janis Saffell Ballet Bar Leg Day Blast those legs! Save
Curtsy Lunge for a Sexy Booty - Video
Curtsy Lunge for a Sexy Booty Lunges are a lower-body staple if you're looking for a strong, sexy booty. Lunges are a lower-body staple...
If I could only do one exercise the rest of my life......
Total Body Blaster | Walking Pushups If you are looking for a full body exercise incorporating both upper body strength, core and lower...